Promoting Quality Education and Career Building
Academic Support to promote quality education
Education is desperately needed in deprived communities but the schooling system is not as it should be in most of the areas in rural and suburban areas. Here, we provide tutoring to children from entry-level to intermediate through regular classes after-school hours to prevent dropouts, support them academically, and ensure the quality of education. Entry-level consists of kids who have not started schooling yet. We encourage and develop their interest in schooling and self-learning. For elderly kids, we try to help them with their education after school hours and enroll those who have dropped out.
Student Career Cell: We also provide free computer classes, career guidance, and preparations for various school and college entrance exams to students in slum and rural communities.
Gift of Reading
Library: We aim to set up libraries in the villages & slums for all children and youth who develop reading skills and expand their horizons. The library also enlightens their awareness about education and life.
Storytelling: Weekly storytelling sessions where the children pick the story of their choice or one that they have written on their own and read it out. This simple activity has proved to be very inspiring and powerful for them. Such storytelling sessions are recorded and circulated among their family and shared within the village.
Co-curricular include academic projects and group discussions that keep students curious about their subjects and observant of their surroundings. Their projects are exhibited in the village on occasions.
It focuses on the development of cultural, moral, ethical and civic values and responsibilities amongst upcoming generations through a rich curriculum of its kind. Every Sunday all our children participate in Balsanskaarshala and learn healthy and valuable habits for life. Yes, we monitor their progress closely.
Personal Development
Balsansad (Students' Senate) is a group of representatives elected through the electoral procedure by the student members. These representatives participate in awareness sessions on various issues related to their society/village and are facilitated to take action, forming the Student Action Team (SAT). Our focus is to develop leadership skills and a problem-solving attitude within them.
Ankuran is a children's magazine written by the children. Our children write stories, poems, and knowledgeable articles or stories of change from their village, they publish them in this magazine with facilitation by their teachers (our volunteers). Ankuran is published bimonthly. Read Issues >
Holistic Support
Mentors for Life
Intervention on social and community levels can greatly impact the children. We all need a mentor in life. We often have a mentor in the form of an elder brother, sister, a teacher from the school or college, a good neighbor, or a friend other than mother and father. They guide us on most of our life's paths, be it career, health, emotional, psychological, personal, or intellectual. While working for these children and their parents, we observed a vacant space in their lives for such a person.
'Mentors for life' is an integral program of Malviya Child Welfare Foundation. This is to fill that vacant space of a mentor in their lives with hope, love, care, and life on a personal level that's rooted in deep trust. Several such children in these areas are far more intelligent and talented than any of us have ever seen, contrastingly some children have suffered the worst forms of abuse and violence. Yes, that's true! We identify kids based on their academic needs and health needs, social needs, special needs, potential, need for special care, and need for psychological counselling. Such kids then are taken care of by their mentors who are selected by our experts keeping in mind their preferences, specialities, interests, and their mutual relationship. The mentor takes responsibility for these kids with a watchful process consisting of 6 stages developed based on the design thinking model. They help and counsel the child, and his/her parents in all possible ways to help the child excel in his/her career, social and personal life.

Other Projects
Undernourishment, poor hygiene, unawareness, poor income are the severe cause of the poor growth of children in deprived communities both mental and physical. Children in poor families, slum areas, on the streets, roaming in the traffic, selling flags and balloons… are far away from mainstream facilities of basic living. Well, an educated parent would know which doctor should be consulted. But, there are people who have lost their little ones with diarrhoea that could be cured with a short course of medicines at an early stage. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. True. So in order to expect more from our students, we have initiated a project dedicated to working to keep our children healthy and sound. We organize several health camps and awareness program where we provide them awareness, free health checkups, and treatment. Many children whose parents were unaware of their serious conditions are now treated on time.